
No More Excuses!

When I meet potential new clients I often hear the same thing. Women are very interested in what I do and how I can help. Then they proceed to tell me how interested they are but continue with a list of excuses that most likely will not come as a total surprise.

·         …after I lose some weight. (This is the most popular excuse.)

·         …when I have some extra money to spend on clothes.

·         …when things calm down and I have some time.

Let’s quickly tackle these excuses. So many women feel uncomfortable about their weight. Many of us are constantly working towards losing weight. We put aspects of our lives on hold until we reach that elusive weight goal we made for ourselves… realistic or not. But what if we don’t wait? What if we start being more accepting of ourselves? What if start dressing the body that we have?

Our bodies change over time. We have babies, gravity takes over, things shift… we gain weight and we lose weight. We might still fit into the dress we wore 20 years ago but I guarantee it’s not likely to fit you the same way it did before. We need to adjust how we dress for our changing bodies. Find the clothes that fit the body you have now. I guarantee that once you find clothes that fit you properly and you’re able to dress the bod you have comfortably, you will feel lighter, brighter and much more confident.

But what about all that money you need to spend on new clothes? Budgets are tight, I get that. Out closet might not be the first place you want to spend your extra cash. But what if you didn’t have to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe? We’re not talking about a shopping trip to Saks. Depending on how your clothes fit, you might benefit from a simple tailoring fix. Buying new clothes doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Every retail store has sales and deep discounts especially this time of year.  You want to know how to dress your body and once you do, you can buy clothes at almost any price point that will fit you. We focus on style not price point.

I have two young boys and a husband who travels for work. I don’t expect life to calm down for many years to come. And I don’t want to put my life on hold until then. Making time is a challenge. I completely understand. But I have also found that if I make a point of planning something and prioritize its importance in my life, I can make room for the things that I thought I wouldn’t be able to address. It’s natural not to put ourselves first. But when you feel good about yourself, you’re a better mom, sister, wife, daughter, co-worker and friend.

So now that we’ve put our excuses to rest, it’s time to dress confidently and feel good about you. Walk tall and conquer your day ladies!

One for the New Moms...

The post baby body. Enough said, right? It can be overwhelming. You have a beautiful baby that you absolutely adore. Then you try to get dressed or heaven forbid... look in a mirror and .... ugh.... suddenly your wardrobe doesn't look anything like it did before you had a baby. Take a deep breathe, ladies.

This is completely normal. It's incredibly frustrating... but normal. When you first realize that old pair of jeans that you loved so dearly before you got pregnant may never fit the same way again, you might get emotional. Again... this is normal. As much as we may hear about how our bodies change after pregnancy, I'm not sure that anything really prepares us for this realization.

Will your body ever go back to the way it was before? Most likely it won't be exactly the same as it was before. (Yes, insert tears here) You just have to learn to embrace your new body. Easier said than done, I know.

So first off, don't expect things to fit the way they did before. Second, don't expect to shop the way you did before. You have to learn to dress this gorgeous new body. And it will take time. Shopping post pregnancy is tough. It takes longer. You have to learn everything all over again about what looks good on you. But be patient with yourself. You will get there.

Probably the hardest part of post-pregnancy getting dressed is when you have to figure out what to wear to work. Those three months maternity leave fly by. And for those of us who are working moms getting back to an office, the yoga pants that you've been living in since the birth are not going to cut it.

As a new mom it's nice to be able to treat yourself to a few new wardrobe pieces to help you get back to the office. But what do you buy? Is it worth buying clothes for this post-pregnancy body that you're hoping is only a temporary situation? After three months is my body done changing? Probably not. I noticed changes in my body up to a year post-pregnancy. (Don't freak out!) Everyone's situation is different and you will figure this out!

So getting back to what you should buy: If you're going to spend money on new clothes, try to find items in styles that are classic, simple and easily tailored. You want items that could transition with you over time. Buying items that could be tailored allows you to get further wear out of clothing even if your body continues to change.

Great examples might be knitwear with a little stretch to it, shift dresses that don't cinch at the waist or tops with detail that distract the eye upward. Pants can be tough. Stick with dark colors and not a lot of pockets. Any item that are lined will cost a little more to have tailored (just something to keep in mind). If you choose to wear layers, use thin fabrics to minimize adding bulk. Look for dresses or tops that have detail pointing inward so as to give an optical illusion that helps you appear slimmer. Little tricks can make a big difference.

As for the items that you currently have in your wardrobe: just because they may not fit the same way they did before you were pregnant, doesn't mean that they don't fit. They may require a slight alteration or just a new perspective. Try to keep an open mind and remember to be kind to yourself.

For the breastfeeding moms: I'm with you ladies, and I had a really hard time with tops while breastfeeding my babies. Many of my pre-pregnancy tops simply didn't fit my breastfeeding boobs. And for moms that have to go back to work, add tops to the list of items you will need to purchase. I found that buying shells and wearing them under blazers and cardigans was the best way to go for me. Just try on a variety of different styles and see what works best for you. Don't get rid of your old tops just yet though, those boobs will change when you finish breastfeeding and you may want to try on those old tops again!

I realize this is a lot of information. It can be overwhelming, stressful, emotional, ect. The good news is that you can figure out how to make this new body look gorgeous! And that sweet baby is worth all of it!

*This post was requested by one of my clients. If you have questions or ideas for blog posts send an email to beaconstyle.bos@gmail.com!




Weekend Tip ... Do you know a tailor?

As you are trying on your summer wardrobe and maybe adding a few choice pieces, always keep in mind what you might be able to do to make a piece work better for you. A tailored piece of clothing that fits you like it was made for you, can give your outfit the little something extra. We are all different heights and sizes and body styles. So how can we expect that the clothes we buy will fit all of us the same way? We can't! And they won't. Chances are that we'll need to have something tailored.

Sometimes the fix is an easy one, such as shortening a pair of pants. Sometimes the fix is a bigger one, such as having a dress fitted. No matter what the need, having an item of clothing tailored to our body can result in a polished, professional and confident look. Not having items tailored can result in clothing pieces that can make us look sloppy or disheveled.

Items of clothing that we hold on to over time might need to be adjusted to our changing bodies. Whether we lose or gain weight, have a baby or babies, or just get older, our bodies are always changing. We shift how we carry our weight. The clothes that once fit us perfectly, now look different. This doesn't necessarily mean we need to go shopping. We just need to understand if we can make what we have work better for us. One of the people you want to talk to about that is a tailor.  A great tailor can advise you on changes that can be made to an article of clothing so that it will fit better.

So, if you don't already have a regular tailor, it's time to find one. I recommend going the same person every time so that they get to know you and your style. Over time they can make recommendations and better tailor items to your liking.

While a good tailor can be hard to find, start with recommendations from friends. A good tailor will have a positive reputation and clients who have had great experiences will be quick to tell you that. I know a couple of wonderful tailors that I am very happy with and I have recommended them to a number of friends. Most tailors rely on word of mouth for business so if you have had a good experience, be sure to share it!