wardrobe consultant

No More Excuses!

When I meet potential new clients I often hear the same thing. Women are very interested in what I do and how I can help. Then they proceed to tell me how interested they are but continue with a list of excuses that most likely will not come as a total surprise.

·         …after I lose some weight. (This is the most popular excuse.)

·         …when I have some extra money to spend on clothes.

·         …when things calm down and I have some time.

Let’s quickly tackle these excuses. So many women feel uncomfortable about their weight. Many of us are constantly working towards losing weight. We put aspects of our lives on hold until we reach that elusive weight goal we made for ourselves… realistic or not. But what if we don’t wait? What if we start being more accepting of ourselves? What if start dressing the body that we have?

Our bodies change over time. We have babies, gravity takes over, things shift… we gain weight and we lose weight. We might still fit into the dress we wore 20 years ago but I guarantee it’s not likely to fit you the same way it did before. We need to adjust how we dress for our changing bodies. Find the clothes that fit the body you have now. I guarantee that once you find clothes that fit you properly and you’re able to dress the bod you have comfortably, you will feel lighter, brighter and much more confident.

But what about all that money you need to spend on new clothes? Budgets are tight, I get that. Out closet might not be the first place you want to spend your extra cash. But what if you didn’t have to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe? We’re not talking about a shopping trip to Saks. Depending on how your clothes fit, you might benefit from a simple tailoring fix. Buying new clothes doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Every retail store has sales and deep discounts especially this time of year.  You want to know how to dress your body and once you do, you can buy clothes at almost any price point that will fit you. We focus on style not price point.

I have two young boys and a husband who travels for work. I don’t expect life to calm down for many years to come. And I don’t want to put my life on hold until then. Making time is a challenge. I completely understand. But I have also found that if I make a point of planning something and prioritize its importance in my life, I can make room for the things that I thought I wouldn’t be able to address. It’s natural not to put ourselves first. But when you feel good about yourself, you’re a better mom, sister, wife, daughter, co-worker and friend.

So now that we’ve put our excuses to rest, it’s time to dress confidently and feel good about you. Walk tall and conquer your day ladies!

I Feel Pretty... and Confident

I don't make it to the movies too often. So, I try to catch things I want to watch when they make it On Demand. I just watched the movie I Feel Pretty this weekend. And I loved it.

I had heard great things about it when it first came out. And I have to say it did not disappoint. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and make the time to watch it. It's a great reminder that self-confidence is everything. 

We live in a society that makes us feel inferior for a thousand different reasons. The cards feel like they're always stacked against us. Confidence ends up being something we have to work for. 

Where do you draw your confidence from? What helps to remind you to walk tall? I've always found that a strong wardrobe can help me feel more confident. If I look in the mirror and feel that I look my best, it's that much easier to stand tall and face my day ahead. This is the mindset that I share with my clients. If you know how to dress to feel confident, you can face any challenge head on. That's the tool I strive to give my clients. It's an extra edge that helps remind you of the beautiful, strong and amazing person you are.

Maybe you don't even need to have the whole look perfected to feel confident. It could be as simple as your favorite dress. A structured blazer that makes you feel like you have an edge. An amazing suit that gives you superpowers. A perfect blouse, in the right color with the right neckline and silhouette to make you feel gorgeous. Or perhaps it's as simple as the perfect pair of pumps. In the end yours is the opinion that matters most. When you look in that mirror, how you feel is what truly matters.

So head up, gorgeous! You can do this. You are stronger than you know. And remember your struggle is shared. You're not alone. We all need a little pick me up. We all need a reminder that a little confidence can go a long way. 

Beth O'Brien Photography

Beth O'Brien Photography

A Little Confidence Goes A Long Way

For those of you that might be new here, I wanted to take a minute to introduce you to this blog. I give tips on what to buy now, what's trending and what's flattering. I love to introduce you to new brands when I find something great worth sharing. I talk a little bit about the kinds of services I provide for those of you who might be interested. And I do all of these things because I'm passionate about helping women feel confident in their own skin. 

You don't have to be a model to stand tall and look good in clothes. Let's get that out of the way first. And I'm not here to criticize your current wardrobe. I'm here to help you feel great when you get ready in the morning. I'm here to help you feel like the wonder woman that you already are. I'm here to help you see yourself as a strong gorgeous confident woman. 

Let me guess, you don't feel that way. You're not alone. Most of us don't feel that way all the time. And that's ok. But we should feel that way some of the time. That's the key. We need to recognize that the power to feel that way is ours. Others can influence us... that's where I come in. But in the end, you have to be willing to open your heart and mind to the idea that self confidence is in your grasp.

My approach is to help you see this by dressing your body in the most flattering way possible. So that when you look in the a mirror, you smile. And that smile will carry you the whole day. Because I'm willing to bet you're already an amazing, smart, strong, beautiful woman. You just need a little reminding. I'm hoping that seeing that image in the mirror of your best self will help you to stand taller, smile brighter and conquer the day. 

Here's to a little self confidence, ladies!

Picture by Carlee Kettell Photography

Picture by Carlee Kettell Photography