
Wardrobe Hack... (pants edition)

The universe really knows how to teach a lesson. I'm a firm believer in the idea that the universe teaches us lessons and if we don't listen it will continue to teach us the lesson a little louder every time until we get it. This particular lesson I think I got on the first try.

So I just wrote a post where I advised planning your holiday outfits ahead of time. Which I sort of did. I had the outfit planned out. But I waited until the last minute to pull out the white pants I planned to wear, only to find that they were dirty. UGH! SO I ran them to the dry cleaner on Wed afternoon so I could pick them up Friday afternoon to wear Friday evening. Perfect timing right?

I guess the universe had something else in mind. Well, I went to pick up my pants on Friday only to be told that they were sent back to the cleaners because the bottom of one of the pant legs was dirty so they would be back on Monday. MONDAY! ugh. So for all my planning, I'm standing in front of my closet at 3:30pm trying to figure out what to wear that evening. And you might think that I have plenty of time to figure it out but really I have 5 minutes before my kids start screaming for me and I have to run downstairs to a crazy household and will only have about 30 minutes when the babysitter shows up to get dressed, put on makeup and fix my hair. It's not enough time. It's never enough time.

So what is a girl to do? I certainly had plenty of other options in my wardrobe but I had my heart set on those pants. You know the feeling. Well, it just happens that I have another pair of off-white pants in my closet. They are an older pair and a couple sizes too big (hence the new pants). Well, I put them on thinking maybe I could figure out a way to make them work. They didn't look too bad. The biggest problem is that the waist is now too big. If I could somehow make the waist smaller and get the pants to stay up the rest of them wouldn't look so bad. So you might wonder how I did this?

This is how:


Yes, safety pins on both sides of my pants. Somehow they managed to hold my pants up without creating a ripple effect on my pant leg. I have to admit that I have had jeans hemmed due to the fact that the waist is too big but they fit everywhere else. My seamstress does this by sewing the sides of my jeans. So long as I'm wearing a top that cover the top of my jeans, I'm good to go. The same is true here. My top was long enough to cover the safety pins. Problem solved!

So if you find yourself in need of a quick fix to adjust a pair of pants that you may have been planning to creative! Sometimes at the last minute things don't fit the way we hoped... no matter what we do to try and prepare. Keep safely pins handy. Double sided tape can also help to adjust a quick hem. Don't despair. Do your best. Wear what makes you feel strong, confident and happy!




The Floral Print Trend

Floral prints have been everywhere this summer! This bold pattern makes a great addition to your wardrobe as a standout piece. But is it here to stay? Or will it be another passing trend? Do you hesitate to buy a piece that will only end up in the back of your closet never to be worn again?

I can appreciate the hesitation to take on a new trend. When we purchase a trendy piece it feels dated after while. When the trends move on, the piece ends up falling out of your rotation. However, did you ever notice how items hidden in your mom's closet came back in style? My mom owned some beautiful pieces that would inevitably come back into fashion. Pieces that are old enough are considered vintage finds. Buying and wearing "vintage" pieces is considered stylish and chic.

Where the floral trend is concerned, I didn't have to shop for something new this season. Turns out that I already had the perfect trendy piece sitting in the back of my closet!

I purchased this skirt from Banana Republic so long ago that I can't remember the year. I'm fairly certain it was more that 10 years ago which in my mind qualifies it as "vintage". When I saw the floral trend hit this season I immediately thought of it. When I put it on I realized it need a little tailoring. The original skirt was an A-line fit and a little big on my frame. I took it to my seamstress and she tapered the skirt from its original A-line shape to a more sleek silhouette.

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This vintage piece is 100% silk and fully lined. I can't remember how much I paid for it but I can pretty much guarantee that the same skirt is worth about 3 times as much today as I most likely paid for it when I purchased it. The quality of fabric and stitching in the items we purchase off the rack today doesn't compare to what it once was. Vintage finds come with amazing quality ... sometimes at a fraction of the price.

If you're looking for ways to carry this summer trend into the Fall season, consider the colors. In the Summer, we love to wear bright colors, pastels, and lots of white. As we move towards Fall you will start to see darker shades and jewel tones come into play. If you're looking to extend a trend, look to incorporate the next set of colors into your outfit. In this case, I paired this pink skirt with a burgundy top. Deep burgundy is a perfect Fall color and helps to transition this skirt into the Fall season!

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Photography credit goes to Beth O'Brien Photography. For further information please see Friends of Beacon Style.


Weekend Tip ... Do you know a tailor?

As you are trying on your summer wardrobe and maybe adding a few choice pieces, always keep in mind what you might be able to do to make a piece work better for you. A tailored piece of clothing that fits you like it was made for you, can give your outfit the little something extra. We are all different heights and sizes and body styles. So how can we expect that the clothes we buy will fit all of us the same way? We can't! And they won't. Chances are that we'll need to have something tailored.

Sometimes the fix is an easy one, such as shortening a pair of pants. Sometimes the fix is a bigger one, such as having a dress fitted. No matter what the need, having an item of clothing tailored to our body can result in a polished, professional and confident look. Not having items tailored can result in clothing pieces that can make us look sloppy or disheveled.

Items of clothing that we hold on to over time might need to be adjusted to our changing bodies. Whether we lose or gain weight, have a baby or babies, or just get older, our bodies are always changing. We shift how we carry our weight. The clothes that once fit us perfectly, now look different. This doesn't necessarily mean we need to go shopping. We just need to understand if we can make what we have work better for us. One of the people you want to talk to about that is a tailor.  A great tailor can advise you on changes that can be made to an article of clothing so that it will fit better.

So, if you don't already have a regular tailor, it's time to find one. I recommend going the same person every time so that they get to know you and your style. Over time they can make recommendations and better tailor items to your liking.

While a good tailor can be hard to find, start with recommendations from friends. A good tailor will have a positive reputation and clients who have had great experiences will be quick to tell you that. I know a couple of wonderful tailors that I am very happy with and I have recommended them to a number of friends. Most tailors rely on word of mouth for business so if you have had a good experience, be sure to share it!