Spring Cleaning in February

Can you believe this gorgeous weather we're having? Just in time for February vacation when families head out for vacations to either get away from the cold or enjoy it. However, even if you haven't gone away this week, you're still in for a treat with warmer weather that makes you believe spring just might not be too far away.

This warm weather will get you thinking about your spring wardrobe. And if you have gone way to a warm weather location, you've actually had to pull out your spring/summer wardrobe. That makes this a great time to start spring cleaning your closet. Before you even pull out the clothing that has been stashed away all winter, clear out the winter items that are taking up space. If you haven't worn it all season, what are you waiting for? It might be time to let those items go.

As you start to filter through the warm weather items that you stashed away last fall, be critical. If any of those items have stains or rips or holes where they are not supposed to, get rid of them. Try things on if you're not sure how they will fit. If there's an item that you haven't worn in the last year, ask yourself why you're holding on to it. Be critical of your wardrobe and only keep the items that you will wear and that will flatter you. Don't be afraid of having a small wardrobe. You might think it's better to have more choices but that's not necessarily true. They have to be good choices for you.

I just got back from a quick trip to Peru. I filtered through my summer wardrobe quick and only pulled the items that I really liked and felt would be the most versatile and flattering. This ended up being mostly dresses, which are great for a warm weather location as they don't require a lot of coordinating and can go from day to night with ease. But it also made me realize that I probably need to go back and check my inventory on pants and skirts. I know I have a few tops that I love for spring/summer but had trouble pulling bottoms that I thought would easily pair. I didn't have time before my trip to be critical of these items but I know that this is something I need to look at as the weather gets warmer. If the pants I have aren't working for me, it's time to let go of the ones that I have and keep an eye out for something new. I also realized that even though I didn't have time to be critical of my whole warm weather wardrobe before I left for my trip, my quick judgement in picking the items that I thought would work best, told me something about the rest of my wardrobe in my initial reaction to it. Sometimes you don't need to spend a lot of time reviewing what you have. Your first instinct can tell you a lot.

So it's time to start cleaning that wardrobe out! As you filter out what you no longer need or use, you'll be making room for the new trends and arrivals that will complete your spring/summer wardrobe this year!