
A Season of Gratitude and Love

I’ve found that this time of year can bring out the best in humanity. I choose to focus on that this holiday season. I have personally found that I have a deep sense of gratitude for all the fortune in my life. And it powers me though the toughest times.

I am a working mom. I have a village of people in my life that make it possible for me to do everything that I do every day. I have a loving and supportive family who challenge me and catch me every time I fall. I am surrounded by friends who are strong, ambitious, driven, beautiful women. These ladies remind me every day of all the amazing things we are capable of as women. My children’s teachers amaze me with their patience and kindness. My children’s caregivers are wonderful loving women who have a positive influence on my children in every way. The list goes on and on.

One of the aspects of this job that I love the most is meeting strong and fascinating women. We are all unique with our own stories to tell yet I find that we have shared experiences, shared struggles, shared hope. So many of us see the obstacles in our way and immediately start to think about ways to overcome them. These obstacles don’t deter us from our path. We persist. Because the obstacles have always been there. We’ve been learning to overcome them for years/decades/lifetimes.

I am incredibly grateful for the inspiration I find in the women who power my life. They give me the confidence that I need to wake up each morning thinking “I can do this” rather than pulling up the covers over my head and hibernating until spring. I realize that we don’t all have this amazing support system and for that reason, I try to bring some of that to you here in this blog. I want to share with you the support I have been so fortunate to experience. I want you to wake up each morning equipped with the knowledge that you can not only handle the day ahead, but all of the obstacles in your way. Wherever you draw your confidence from I hope you find it in excess this holiday season. And remember to carry it with you into the new year.


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I think it has to do with the simplicity of sharing a special meal with loved ones. I like having the opportunity to take time to be grateful for the wonderful blessings in my life. Life moves so fast and time passes so quick that I wish I could share these special moments with my loved ones more often.

This year I am especially grateful for the amazing women in my life who empower me every day. I am surrounded by strong, confident, beautiful women that I lean on and share so much with. These are women who build me up, remind me of my own strength, encourage me, nurture me and love me. Having women like these in my life has meant everything to me.

All the love and encouragement that I have received is in part why I started this blog/business. I want to help others to feel the confidence that I know is possible. I know that when we feel empowered we are capable of achieving greatness. I know that a little positivity goes a long way. My meeting with my clients this is what I try to pass along. And even a little goes a long way.

My first example of a strong sophisticated lady was my mother. She did it all and made it look easy. She was my fiercest protector and constant cheerleader. She has been a role model for me from how to be a good daughter to how to be a wonderful mother. For starters, she taught me to lead by example, always be polite and the important of being a good friend. Her lessons are endless and her strength is extraordinary.

The next woman in my life to exemplify a strong, independent spirit was my sister. She's always been a fighter and a lover rolled into one. She taught me that the only opinion that truly matters is your own. She showed me that compromise isn't a sign of weakness. She's shown me that there is more than one kind of way to love.

These two ladies are more than enough for a lifetime of positive influences but they are only the beginning. From my childhood best friend to my mother in law, my book club to my babysitter, my school mom friends to my friends from work. I am surrounded by amazing women. These ladies have battled personal struggles, work challenges, family tragedies and so much more with a grace and dignity that I strive for every day.

I have the benefit of being reminded of how powerful we are as women. Our strength lies in our ability to support and band together. This Thanksgiving, remember to be grateful for the women in your life that help to keep you motivated. We need each other now more than ever.

Be Strong, Be Confident

I started this blog and this business in order to help empower women. I've worked in a number of different industries and understand the challenges that face women every day in the workplace. I am a mother of two beautiful boys and understand the challenges of juggling work with home and children. I am beginning to understand the challenge of raising children in today's world.

As women we face unique challenges: raising children, building careers, sustaining relationships. We see the world in a unique and powerful way. I think we also have unique strengths. We know how to bring people together, how to be compassionate and love unconditionally.

I believe in the power of womanhood. I've witnessed it. We can be fearless. We can fight. We fight for those we love and for the things we believe in.

In building this business I've had the pleasure of meeting beautiful passionate women who have shared their talent, resources and words of wisdom with me. They have encouraged me and continue to do so. These are strong confident amazing women who remind me to be a strong confident woman myself.

I want every woman to know that she can do anything she puts her mind to. I want her to stand tall at work. To speak up in the boardroom. To empower our children. To be courageous, loving and empathetic. If I can help one more woman to feel just a little stronger when she gets dressed in the morning, then I've done my job. That's why I am here.

I encourage all of us to work together to build each other up. Let's remember the importance of supporting each other, cheering each other on and forgiving each other. We are all in this together and we are stronger together.