go to outfits

Time For A New Start

Happy New Year! I know I’ve been missing for weeks now. I took some time off. Last year really challenged me in so many ways. At the end I needed time to step back and just let myself unwind. And that was harder than I realized it would be.

I can get so worked up that it takes a long time to un-do the stress. I tried to spend some time listening, absorbing and relaxing. As I listened, I heard others discuss what they were learning about themselves from the challenges of 2020. So many it seems were trying to find the silver lining in an otherwise disappointing year.

I’ve always approached life from a place of gratitude. Even in 2020, there were things to be grateful for. But I also struggled with the reality of the challenges I was facing day to day. And that hasn’t really changed. I have hope… and I know there is a light at the end of this long dark tunnel, but I am running low on the patience I need to have to get there.

And I know so many of you are struggling, losing patience, taking a breath and trying again. We can do this. We can. Let’s try to take this new year as a new opportunity to start fresh.

I’ve taken some time to think about what I want for this website and this blog in 2021. I’ve decided to take this blog back towards fashion and style tips that will support your wardrobe and make you feel fantastic each and every day. I think that we can each find a style that flatters our figure and fits our lifestyle. And that will make all the difference in your day.

I’ve also decided to work towards a new website layout that I hope you will love! So, please have a little patience with me as we make this transition into a new space that I am excited to share with you.

As we start this new year…. let’s start thinking about your style goals for 2021! More to come on this but I think now is a great time to start looking at your closet with a more critical eye. Time to filter out items that don’t feel quite right. Trust your gut. I’ll help you to develop your eye on what to look out for. We’re in this together.

There’s lot of tips, tricks, idea and inspiration to come but for now let’s focus on what makes you feel good. It can be the cozy sweatshirt that you wear as part of your uniform or the broken in jeans that fit just right. Maybe what makes you feel good are your black leggings or a boyfriend flannel shirt. Maybe it’s not just one item. For me, it’s my crewneck sweaters. Turns out that I have a number of them. And they are my go to items. And I wear them often.

Let’s build on the feeling you get from that item in your wardrobe that makes you feel good. I am not suggesting that you need to multiply that one item… as in my obvious sweater obsession… bur rather build a wardrobe that gives you that feel. Suddenly we’ve taken some of the stress out of your morning. We’ve improved your mindset and reset your perspective. Ready to get started? Let’s go!

We can do this... time to get comfortable

Deep Breath. How are you doing? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Depressed? … we were all those things before. This requires a new vocabulary.

I find that every time I see an article which references the toll this pandemic is taking on WOMEN, I stop in my tracks. I recently started wondering why I do this. Am I looking for validation of the facts that I already know? Or the situation I am currently living and already too familiar with? Or of the stories I am already hearing not just on tv, but in my own life from those close to me?

We don’t need a study to tell us what we already know. We are finding a way to make it work but only by the skin of our teeth. It’s hard. It’s grueling and it’s way past old. We’re living the previously unimaginable. And we’re bearing the brunt of it ladies. We’re juggling way too much on plates that already have HUGE cracks… whatever your situation.

There are days I feel it more than others. The gray overcomes me. The stress aches in my muscles. I have to fight like hell to stop the overwhelming anxiety from keeping me in bed. But I know I am not alone. You are not alone. We are all fighting right now.

Yet somehow we are still standing. We put one foot in front of the other and we keep going. And this is where I look every day for the inspiration I need to get through. Because I see you Ladies. I see you fighting through the exhaustion, the pain, the stress, the hurt… just get yourself and your families through another day.

You are amazing to me. And we don’t stop often enough to appreciate what we’ve accomplished in the face of what is currently unprecedented.

Stand tall ladies. We might be beat up but we’re still here. We have a resiliency that’s unmatched. We are strong, beautiful and determined. I see you.

I want to believe that we’re all in this together. Especially that we WOMEN can find an opportunity in this situation to care for each other in ways maybe we haven’t before. We’ve always needed to watch out for each other in a special way. Now we need each other more than ever. How can you help? If you’re in a position to do so, donate to your local food pantry. Show a little extra kindness to your child’s teacher… chances are her stress levels are a bit elevated as well. Notice a mom in your neighborhood struggling? Drop off a meal, a dessert, a bottle of wine… a simple kindness can go a long way. We can support each other even now… especially now.

So while I love fashion and dress up this pandemic has turned me towards the basics… the essentials I need to get through the day. Starting with coffee in the am and wine in the pm. But where my wardrobe is concerned, I’m living in loungewear. Loungewear can range from your workout leggings to a cozy worn in pair of jeans. Loungewear is whatever you are comfortable wearing while you sit around your house. Loungewear combines comfort with style. It reflects your personal style and should flatter your body type to make you feel great when you wear it. So even if you put it on to sit around your house, you can also wear it out… in public… to run your errands, get a coffee, shuttle around kids, go for a walk, go to your kid’s soccer game, pick up a bottle of tequila… ect.

Find a few “loungwear” suggestions below from Athleta. And remember to be kind to others and yourself as we continue to navigate through the haze. You are amazing.

Sundown Hoodie Sweatshirt

Sundown Hoodie Sweatshirt

Transit Crew Sweater

Transit Crew Sweater

Compact Coaster Long Wrap

Compact Coaster Long Wrap

Pacifica Crosscurrent UPF Jacket

Pacifica Crosscurrent UPF Jacket

Mindset Sweatshirt

Mindset Sweatshirt

Pacifica II Top

Pacifica II Top

Textured Brooklyn Jogger

Textured Brooklyn Jogger

Stellar Crop Trouser

Stellar Crop Trouser

Sutton Jogger

Sutton Jogger

A Summer of "Go-To" Options

What are your “go-to” outfits this summer? I think of these as the outfits that I wear most often. When you are in a morning rush and looking to get dressed quick, what outfit do you throw on knowing that you will be comfortable and look good?

Versatility matters now… maybe more than ever! One thing most of us are looking for this summer is comfort! We’re still spending a lot of our time in loungewear, staying close to home. We need the clothes we purchase to be comfortable and cozy for home and easily dressed up for when we eventually get up and go out! Versatility is key to this shift!

I find that I want to get out of my sweats and into an “outfit” each day. This helps my mindset and my energy. To help make this easy for me, I have a handful of “go-to” outfits that get me through the week. These outfits are a collection of neutral colors and prints that easily pair in my wardrobe. Most of these are items that i’ve accumulated over the years. I’ve gotten comfortable in these clothes so I can rely on them to look good and meet the comfort criteria.

What else should you look for in the right “go-to” pieces? In order to feel comfortable in your clothes, they have to FIT you. This requires that the style of clothing you choose match your body type. Being aware of the types of clothing that will fit you best, will help you to make the best choices when purchasing new clothes. Also consider what colors look best on your complexion. What color combinations will work well in our wardrobe? This will help you to mix and match pieces.

Below are a few of my favorite go to outfits. Many of these items are still available online. Each of these outfits is simple enough to wear at home or out running errands but could also be dressed up for a slightly more social occasion. Go find the best “go-to” options for your closet!